A poor credit secured loan for example, will provide a great opportunity to improve your poor credit history. It will help improve your credit score if you repay the loan in a timely fashion. Through this loan you can make your future brighter by inproving your chances of getting credit on better terms. If you have a less than perfect credit history because you could not make past loan payments in time, then finding a remortgage may be difficult. Thus it is not easier for you to avail benefits of a remortgage. Bad credit borrowers are always seen as having risks for any lender. However in the US and the UK now there are many lenders who are more than willing to offer problem remortgage to those borrowers who have late payments, arrears, payment defaults, county court judgments mentioned against their names in their credit reports.
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Hmm… I'll have to keep this post in mind because I want to run my own business soon. I have a good amount of money saved, but I know I'll have to take out a loan at some point. I can use all the advice I can get. Lately I've been thinking about buying a business instead of starting one from scratch. Any suggestions? Advice? Thanks.
@Mary -- Have you looked into other online resources? I've been told that BizTrader.com is a good place. It's this online global marketplace where you can buy a business, and even sell a business. You can also use it to find a lender, broker, accountant, or any other type of professional help.
Then there are also local small business groups, like the Chamber of Commerce, that can be a good resource.
Good luck!
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