Stafford Loans Credit Card

Check your credit score before you approach a lender. You can obtain a copy of your credit report containing credit related information from any of the three major credit reporting agencies. Furthermore, you can obtain your personal credit reports for free as stated in the FCRA or the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Under this Act, every individual is entitled to receive a free credit report from any of the three major credit-reporting companies in the United States once a year, Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union. Your free credit report contain your personal information (such as your name and address), how you paid your past and previous bills, and any delinquencies you have committed such as late payments as well as if you have filed for bankruptcy. There are a lot of credit card companies who can process your application online instantly, or within a few minutes. Although your application will only take you a few minutes, you'll still have to wait for your new credit card. It will be sent to you via mail, so you'll need to a wait a few short days before it arrives. Online credit cards are a smart choice, as most will tell you instantly whether or not you've been approved. Even though you'll have to wait on the card, it doesn't take near as long as applying the old fashioned way.