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If you have serious debt problems, you have to create a realistic debt elimination plan. Your debts will not go away; you will have to take positive action to reduce debt. There are many easy solutions to become debt free in few years. Credit card has exorbitant interest rates and millions of people are living with thousands of pounds of credit card debt. Although it is difficult to get out of debt web, there are few practical solutions of becoming debt free. Applying for debt consolidation loans are another approach for debt elimination. The number of people falling into arrears on loan and credit card repayments is rising each year. Once you get into debt and have a bad credit record, it takes time to get out of it. It takes commitment and determination on your part and some understanding on the part of your lender. You should contact your bank or lender immediately and apprise them of the situation and have our debts rescheduled or consolidated to reduce your repayments and slowly rebuild your credit.