If you have a less than perfect credit history because you could not make past loan payments in time, then finding a remortgage may be difficult. Thus it is not easier for you to avail benefits of a remortgage. Bad credit borrowers are always seen as having risks for any lender. However in the US and the UK now there are many lenders who are more than willing to offer problem remortgage to those borrowers who have late payments, arrears, payment defaults, county court judgments mentioned against their names in their credit reports. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are corporations owned by stockholders that purchase mortgages and then resell them to investors. Because this ensures that the borrower's capital is no longer tied up in the loan, banks and other lenders are able to grant more money to their customers. What Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do with the mortgage once they buy it is put a cap on the amount of the loan, the credit score, income level, and down payment so they reduce their risk involved in the investment.
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