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Financial problems can happen to anyone at anytime. Unanticipated events like an accident, divorce, ill health, job loss etc. can create financial issues in any body's life. No one wants to have a bad credit score or to be in the defaulter's list. But, it happens sometimes. According to the latest report by the high street bank, last year saw an alarming rise in bad credit. Home repossessions have also increased because of non-repayments by borrowers on their secured loans. Most students today fear debt, with good reason. However, debt is not necessarily a bad thing, if you can control it. Learning how to control it early on pays dividends for the rest of your life, as the likelihood is, you will owe some money to someone until retirement, be it a mortgage, loans or even leveraging a business. Simple corporate finance rule of thumb states that individuals and businesses can benefit from a correct ratio of debt in their portfolio.