If you are a homeowner, you may get a lower rate through a secured personal loan using your property as security. If you borrow money using a mortgage as security you are agreeing that the lender can claim the mortgaged property if you fail to keep to the agreement. The risk to the lender is reduced so the interest rate offered is lower. This is why secured loans tend to be cheaper than unsecured loans and other forms of borrowing. The lender has the added benefit of security, which provides protection in the event of your inability to repay. Before applying for a personal loan, you should ensure that your credit report has recorded all your payments correctly and it has no errors. This is very important especially if you have a bad credit history. The lenders will first study the report and fix the interest rate and conditions accordingly. Then apply for quotes from as many lenders as you can. You will then be able to compare quotes for many lenders to get the best rate.
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